Climate Change Primer: Responding to Global Impacts of Human Activity

Climate Change Primer: Responding to Global Impacts of Human Activity

P11) Climate Change Primer: Responding to Global Impacts of Human Activity

Moderator: Craig Miller


California leads the United States in responding to global climate change as it tries to create a clean-energy economy, ameliorate the effects of global change and promote green businesses for the future. This playbook has been adopted by other states and can serve as a guide to nations globally. UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab scientists have played a big role in shaping this policy, helping government officials understand and respond effectively to humanity’s global environmental impact. They have developed energy efficiency standards that are now used around the world, created new technologies for making our cities more resilient to droughts and floods and converting sunlight into modern fuels, and are at the forefront of methods to forecast future change.

Come hear these scientists’ assessments of the challenges the world faces and the solutions being developed and implemented globally. Speakers will address how to verify climate treaties, the future of carbon sequestration, superdikes to deal with rising sea levels, revising the power grid to accommodate intermittent renewable energy sources, and the future of water reuse in urban areas.
