Maedeh Darzi

Research scientist, Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (Tehran)

Maedeh Darzi

Research scientist, Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (Tehran)


Maedeh Darzi holds a B.Sc. in applied chemistry from the University of Tabriz and an M.Sc. in physical chemistry from Isfahan University of Technology. Her research interests include the study of ancient parchment and paper manuscripts, leather and pottery. In particular, she studies the degradation of such artifacts using synchrotron radiation techniques. Darzi’s involvement with the SESAME light source began in 2012, when she attended the 10th SESAME users meeting. At the 2015 users meeting, she was presented with an award for the best scientific poster at the meeting for a description of her work on historical parchments.

Sessions as a Speaker

C2) SESAME – A Scientific Source of Light for the Middle East

27 October 2017
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
  • Marriott Marquis: Salons 1-3