Regional Committee on Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean are at the center of geopolitical, environmental, scientific and public health concerns that offer a rich substrate for science storytelling. Many accomplished science journalists in the region are already telling compelling stories about climate change, natural disasters, biodiversity, emerging pathogens, and many other issues.

Still, many stories remain untold. To address that, science journalists and communicators from the region are increasingly reaching out to colleagues across the world to share knowledge and exchange ideas, as a way to become better equipped at their craft.

As part of this global effort, the WCSJ2017 Regional Committee on Latin American and the Caribbean is organizing a series of pre-conference workshops to help provide training and resources for journalists and other science communicators from the region. Session themes will cover capacity building as well as specific science and health topics. Topics will include creating and supporting science communication networks and partnerships, tracking down hard-to-find or closely guarded information, and staying safe in dangerous settings or when telling stories that others may not want to come to light.

Journalists and other science communicators from the region will have the opportunity to apply for travel fellowships to participate in these pre-conference workshops.


Estrella Burgos

Co-Chair, ¿Cómo ves?, México

Czerne Reid

Co-Chair, University of Florida College of Medicine and Jamaica

Lynne Friedmann

Wolfgang Goede

Oscar Miyamoto Gomez

William Kearney

Federico Kukso

Manuel Lino

Rodrigo Pérez Ortega


Debbie Ponchner

Emiliano Rodríguez Mega

Valeria Román

Aleida Rueda

Nancy Shute

Erik Vance