Shuvo Roy

Professor of bioengineering and therapeutic sciences, Schools of Pharmacy & Medicine, UC San Francisco

Shuvo Roy

Professor of bioengineering and therapeutic sciences, Schools of Pharmacy & Medicine, UC San Francisco


Shuvo Roy is a faculty affiliate of the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) and director of the Biodesign Laboratory located on UCSF’s Mission Bay campus. In addition, he serves as technical director of The Kidney Project and is a founding member of the UCSF Pediatric Device Consortium. He has developed and currently teaches a course on medical devices, diagnostics, and therapeutics and regularly lectures on the medical device design process to UCSF graduate students and to national and international academic and industry audiences. He is the author of more than 100 publications and co-author of three book chapters, and holds multiple patents for device developments.

Sessions as a Speaker

Mark Sixma