Liz Kimbrough

Student Journalist

Liz Kimbrough

“I write about science, conservation, and the mysteries of the universe, especially the tiny ones here on Earth.”


Liz Kimbrough is a Ph.D. candidate at Tulane University, where she studies endophytes—the microbial symbionts (fungi and bacteria) that live inside of plants. She discovered a passion for bringing science and environmental news to the public by reporting for the international news site Mongabay, for which she has written more than 50 articles. She also has written for the Global Forest Reporting Network and the Public Library of Science blog.

Posts by This Journalist

  • Covering Sexual Harassment in Science: Journalists Weigh In On the Challenges

    By Liz Kimbrough SAN FRANCISCO—When the sexual harassment case of astronomer Geoffrey Marcy of the Univerity of California, Berkeley, came across her desk at BuzzFeed News, science reporter Azeen Ghorayshi was well equipped to break the story. Buzzfeed’s newsroom and legal team had years of experience handling sexual assault and sexual harassment stories on university...
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  • How “Decolonizing” Science Can Make It Better

    By Liz Kimbrough SAN FRANCISCO—When South African student journalist Sibusiso Biyela sat down to write about the launch of the MeerKAT telescope in both English and Zulu, he thought it would be simple. The English version rolled out smoothly. But when he began to translate into Zulu, his native language, he found he would have...
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Covering Sexual Harassment in Science: Journalists Weigh In On the Challenges

Mark Sixma